

8 questions round one

8 Fragen Runde eins

The first round goes to me:

If they were looking for you at 9 a.m., where would they find you?

Still at home. Ideally, I'll pack up my things in a relaxed manner. That often means I have to think about getting everything on my bike: yarn, patterns, lunch, books, etc... Or I dash around town to get things done before I, well groomed, unlock the shop door at 11am .

What is your favorite color?

The color green in all its facets. She makes me calm and content.

What inspires you?

coincidences. Colours. And just stand still and observe: people and their stories. And when I listen to music, anything becomes possible.

How did you become what you are?

I came to fashion design through many detours. Lucky. I used to sew for myself and others when I was at school. When I was 18, I sewed silk lingerie at night and embroidered the moon and stars. Nonetheless, I studied sociology and Russian for a short while. I lacked the craft and finally I went to Münster University of Applied Sciences and graduated in product design. That's not the end of the odyssey: I came back to Berlin and became a costume design assistant. But then I missed the literature. I was given a knitting machine when our son was born. I missed the craft again.... Handling the machine, the yarns, the colors and finally the encounters and the search for people who feel comfortable with my design: I quickly realized that this makes me very happy. And I can't be thankful enough that my fashion is appreciated by so many. At the moment my collection comes to the customers via the shop in Knesebeckstrasse. But there is still a lot that can be done. In general, I want to be open and curious about the world until my last breath.

How does your background relate to who you are?

First of all, having a famous name and coming from a family full of extraordinary personalities, I would say that it was difficult to start small and not let expectations get in the way. If I think about it carefully, the question is very difficult to answer.

What else is important to you?

My friends and family, music from all cultures and centuries, the closeness to nature and my desire to give something good back into the world. And frankly good food.

What wish can I fulfill for you today?

It may sound banal: Outer and inner peace.

If they were looking for you at 9 p.m., where would they find you?

At home sometimes, with a good sip in company, sometimes just with me and a book, sometimes at a loss with a piece of chocolate in hand, sometimes still caught up in my colors... Or I tidy the kitchen so that I can wake up the next morning "cleaned up" at 9 am.

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